Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Miss Manners on the Bus

If only the people I encounter on a daily basis would follow the guidance of Miss Manners, the world would be a better place!  Why can't people just be nice?  Is it so hard to say please, thank you, excuse me, can I get you another piece of pie?  Is it so wrong to want a little peace and quiet?  A gentle excursion through the day?  An envelopment of fluffy nicities?

Then there are the people who have conversations via cell phone on public transportation, aka the #31 that runs between downtown and River Park.  I used to think that these odious specimens were arrogant, that they assumed that other people are interested in the sordid details of their petty lives.  But then I realized that it is much worse than that.  For these Miss Manners violators other people do not figure into the equation at all!  It doesn't dawn on them that their actions may be offputting to their fellow bus riders.  Sadly, this kind of behavior is not limited to tweens, teenagers, and twenty-somethings; even people old enough to remember the original Miss Manners have fallen prey to this most loathesome habit.

1 comment:

  1. love it Babs. Manners cost nothing.I am teaching the people of colchester how to say "good morning"
