Saturday, February 6, 2010

You Were Always On My Mind

I've heard that animals have an ability to pick up on sensory or supernatural information that humans can't detect.  About the time that my sister and I began to have "visits" and contact from Georgia, I noticed some unusual pet behavior.  It happened again last night.  I came upstairs to the bedroom to find Squeaky (cat #2) staring at the ceiling and howling.  But it was more than that; she appeared to be following something with her eyes, as if she was seeing or sensing something was was invisible to me. 

On the anniversary of her death, i felt her presence with me, an unusual occurrence.  Most years the day passes like the day before and the day before that.  It has been so many years (she died in 1975) that I cannot recall what her voice sounded like, how she moved, what she smelled like.  But this year she was with me. 

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